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Quick lasagna

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With this recipe, you can make a delicious lasagna in under 90 minutes. It also has a low carbon footprint and is an inexpensive dish.
Category Gratings
Portions 20

Nutrition and climate performance

Portion size: 330g | CO2 footprint: 220g CO2e per serving | Protein: 28g protein per serving


Finished quantity

  • 6,5 kg Lasagna


  • 600 gram Dry Simsubas
  • 1200 gram water
  • 30 grams Chinese dark soy
  • 1100 gram Carrots roughly grated
  • 1300 grams Cooking cream or oat cream
  • 1700 gram Crushed tomatoes
  • 170 gram Ketchup
  • 110 gram Tomato paste
  • 30 gram Salt
  • 22 gram paprika powder
  • 20 grams Onion powder
  • 16 gram Garlic powder
  • 7 gram Oregano
  • 5 grams Black pepper coarsely ground
  • 5 gram Chilli powder Ancho chili
  • 700 gram Lasagna plates or lasagne tarts
  • 240 gram Grated cheese or vegan alternative



  • Mix together the dry base, water and soy in a saucepan. Do not use the side wing as the mixture will deteriorate. Ready when a homogeneous and fairly wet paste has formed. Do not let the mixture stand before proceeding to step 2 as it may become too hard.
  • Add the coarsely grated carrots to the mince mixture
  • Add all the other ingredients except the pasta and cheese and mix to a smooth pasta sauce.
  • Alternate sauce and plates in trays, about 5 layers of plates for just over 5 liters of sauce.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese
  • Bake in the oven, 200 degrees for 25 minutes and then 150 degrees for another 30 minutes until the pasta is soft and the gratin has an internal temperature of at least 85 degrees for the right texture


  • The above recipe is optimized for immediate serving, so be sure to compensate for longer heat retention by increasing the amount of liquid or decreasing the amount of pasta.


  • If you are using lasagne tarts, increase the amount of pasta slightly
