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Simsu Smokie Pasta

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Here we have focused hard on creating a bacon-like alternative. The smoke flavor from liquid smoke and smoked paprika powder together with the texture and caramelization from the frying makes us really happy with this dish. Try it with your own favorite sauce or try the recipe below. You will not be disappointed!
Feel free to try the recipe suggestions below for the pasta sauce, or your own favorite recipe for example pasta and ham sauce with smokie strips instead.
The serving size and protein content below are for Smokie strips.
Category Cauldron
Portions 100

Nutrition and climate performance

Portion size: 80g | CO2 footprint: 40g CO2e/100 g | Protein: 28g protein per 100 g


Smokie strips, finished quantity

  • 8,0 kg Smokie strips

Smokie strips, ingredients

  • 3300 gram Dry Simsubas
  • 800 grams Potato flour
  • 160 gram Salt
  • 26 grams Black pepper
  • 52 grams Smoked paprika powder
  • 128 grams Sugar
  • 3400 gram water
  • 130 gram Tomato puree
  • 50 grams White wine vinegar
  • 80 gram Liquid smoke
  • 650 grams Rapeseed oil


  • 8000 gram Fried Smokie strips
  • 2400 gram Yellow onion chopped
  • 2000 gram Cooking wine white
  • 4000 grams Cooking cream or oat cream
  • 4000 gram water
  • 60 gram Sambal Oelek
  • 300 grams Vegetable broth



  • Mixing can be done in a Varimixer/Björn, in a cooking pot or by hand. When mixing in a cooking pot, do not forget to remove the side wing. We recommend a maximum of 20 kg of dry Simsubas per batch when mixing in a cooking pot.
    NOTE! When mixing with inferior stirring (saucepan or pre-mixing) make sure that the water, oil and all "wet ingredients" are mixed together a little before starting the stirring for best results.

Instruction, Smokie strips

  • Mix the dry spices and dry simsuba base.
  • Then mix in all the other ingredients
  • Start mixing at low speed and when all the liquid has entered the powder increase the speed.
  • Ready after about 20 seconds in the Varmixer/Björn (when the dough has come together into a homogeneous mass) and about 2 minutes in the cooking pot.
  • Cover with ink about 5 kg per sheet and temper to 86 degrees at 120 degrees, 20% moisture in the Combi oven.
  • Leave to cool overnight
  • Cut into desired size and run in the Hällden on the "Janssons" disk

Instruction, sauce

  • Fry the onion in oil
  • Add the wine and reduce by half
  • Add water, broth, cream and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, fry on the Smokie strips quite hard in plenty of oil
  • Season the sauce with Sambal Oelek, salt and black pepper. Add cornstarch if necessary
  • Stir in the smoki strips and season again.
  • Serve with pasta and top with grated parmesan!


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