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Pulled SimSu

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This is a recipe that you just HAVE to try.
The fact that you can cook something with such a meaty feel from a dry powder using only traditional commercial kitchen equipment is really so cool!
Fry up in a tasty marinade and serve with yummy side dishes, and we promise it will make even the most die-hard meat lover raise their eyebrows.
Category Streetfood, Shreds
Portions 100

Nutrition and climate performance

Portion size: 80g | Protein: 29g


Quantity of finished pulled SimSu:

  • 8,0 kg Finished pulled SimSu


  • 3400 gram Dry Simsubas
  • 70 gram Onion powder
  • 70 gram Garlic powder
  • 90 gram salt
  • 3700 gram water
  • 220 gram Japanese soybean
  • 170 gram Dijon mustard
  • 1000 gram Rapeseed oil



  • Mixing should be done in Bjorn or other Varimixer


  • Mix all the dry ingredients
  • Add the remaining ingredients and start mixing
  • Knead on high speed, about 5 minutes until a tough and stringy texture is obtained
  • Take out about 1.5 kg of kneaded dough and flatten it into a rectangle the size of an oven tray
  • Roll up from the short side (as you would when rolling a bun dough) quite compactly until you get the shape of a loaf
  • Place on greased tray
  • Tempa in the oven at 110 degrees, 50% moisture to 88 degrees internal temperature
  • Leave to cool overnight
  • Cut the "loaves" lengthwise, and about 10 cm thick
  • Grate the pieces in a Bear or Varimixer by using the wing and "tearing" on high speed. Run until you get the desired size of the pieces
  • Marinate in your favorite marinade and then grill in the oven before serving
