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Kebab casserole

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Kebab stew may sound a bit boring, but we promise this is anything but! This kebab recipe is more optimized to fit in a sauce with potato flour. Serve with oat rice or why not Pommes for a real classic.
Kitchen Mexican
Category Casserole, Kitchen favorites
Portions 150

Nutrition and climate performance

Portion size: 90g


Finished quantity of kebabs

  • 9,0 kg Kebab

Ingredients, kebab

  • 3800 gram Dry Simsubas
  • 800 gram Potato flour (exclude if you fry on the kebab)
  • 100 grams Onion powder
  • 100 grams Garlic powder
  • 29 grams Smoked paprika powder
  • 90 grams cumin
  • 20 grams Black pepper
  • 45 gram Sugar
  • 65 gram Salt
  • 4100 gram water
  • 190 grams Chinese dark soy
  • 110 gram Tomato puree
  • 45 grams White wine vinegar
  • 410 grams Rapeseed oil

Finished quantity of kebab stew

  • 30,0 kg Kebab casserole

Ingredients, kebab casserole

  • 9000 gram Finished kebab
  • 3100 gram Yellow onion chopped or diced
  • 800 gram Red pepper shredded
  • 800 gram Green peppers shredded
  • 80 grams Garlic pressed
  • 1700 gram Chili sauce
  • 9200 gram Crushed tomatoes
  • 3100 grams Cooking cream
  • 2300 gram water
  • 150 grams Kebab spice
  • 80 gram Salt



  • Mixing can be done in a Varimixer/Björn, in a cooking pot or by hand. When mixing in a cooking pot, do not forget to remove the side wing. We recommend a maximum of 20 kg of dry Simsubas per batch when mixing in a cooking pot.
    NOTE! When mixing with inferior stirring (saucepan or pre-mixing) make sure that the water, oil and all "wet ingredients" are mixed together a little before starting the stirring for best results.

Instruction, kebab strips

  • Mix the dry spices and dry simsuba base.
  • Then mix in all the other ingredients
  • Start mixing at low speed and when all the liquid has entered the powder increase the speed.
  • Ready after about 20 seconds in the Varmixer/Björn (when the dough has come together into a homogeneous mass) and about 2 minutes in the cooking pot.
  • Cover with ink about 5 kg per sheet and temper to 86 degrees at 120 degrees, 20% moisture in the Combi oven.
  • Leave to cool overnight
  • The kebab is then preferably shredded in a Hällde, 2-4 mm slice and fried on a frying table in plenty of oil or on Ipinium sheet about 250 degrees 4-5 minutes.


  • Fry the kebab: The stew is best if you can fry the kebab a little.
  • Want to simplify the recipe? Replace seasoning with ready-made kebab seasoning. Tomato puree and white wine vinegar can be omitted but will reduce the umami and space of the finished kebab.
  • Are you mixing several batches? - Weigh the dry spices and salt for all batches - Mix them and weigh the total weight - Calculate and add the amount of spice mixture per batch.

Instruction, kebab casserole

  • Fry the peppers and the yellow onion.
  • Add the other ingredients of the recipe and stir
  • Simmer until you are satisfied with the consistency and creaminess, up to 10 minutes.
  • Add the kebab strips and bring to the boil, but do not let it boil. Taste once more


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