Askvägen 7, 617 71 Kimstad, Sweden

Climate-smart taco route

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Climate smart Tacoruta

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The meatloaf, a real classic in our Swedish school kitchens, here in the form of a climate-smart taco with 50% vegetable protein. An incredibly simple and quick recipe where we are convinced that you will ask "Isn't there only meat in this"?
Category 50/50 - Climate-smart hybrid, Kitchen favorites
Portions 100

Nutrition and climate performance

Portion size: 90g | Protein: 18g protein per 100 g | Veg. proteins: 50% | CO2 reduction: 1000g CO2e/100 g


Finished quantity:

  • 9,0 kg Tacoruta


  • 1,3 kg Dry Simsubas
  • 300 grams Taco seasoning Taco Spice Mix, Santa Maria
  • 100 gram Salt
  • 2,8 kg Ground beef (if chicken mince is used, also add some potato flour to get the right cream consistency)
  • 1,0 kg Yellow onion Chopped, frozen
  • 2,3 kg water
  • 1,0 kg Boiled potatoes Grated
  • 130 gram Tomato puree
  • 0,9 kg Rapeseed oil
  • 0,7 kg Grated cheese



  • Mixing can be done in a Varimixer/Björn, in a cooking pot or by hand. When mixing in a cooking pot, do not forget to remove the side wing. We recommend a maximum of 20 kg of dry Simsubas per batch when mixing in a cooking pot.
    NOTE! When mixing with inferior stirring (saucepan or by hand) make sure that the water, oil and all "wet ingredients" are mixed together a little before starting the stirring for best results.


  • Mix the dry ingredients.
  • Then mix in all the other ingredients
  • Start mixing at a low speed and when all the liquid has entered the powder, increase the speed.
  • Ready after about 20 seconds in the Varmixer/Björn (when the dough has come together into a homogeneous mass) and about 1 minute in the cooking pot. Do not run too long as the texture may become too tough.
  • Press into trays, 3 kg per tray to get the right height for the squares and sprinkle some grated cheese on top.
  • Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes to an internal temperature of 85 - 88 degrees.


  • Climate impact: Grazing by cows promotes biodiversity for both insects and birds and creates open landscapes, but beef is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Try this recipe with chicken or hen mince to further reduce the climate impact.
  • Cost: To keep the cost down, feel free to make your own taco seasoning mix with cumin, paprika powder, onion powder, garlic powder, chili, etc. Remember to increase the amount of salt slightly as ready-made taco seasoning contains salt.


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