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Chickblock/Chick strips

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Chickblock/Chick strips are great in a good stew or why not in wraps. Try the recipe for our mushroom stew with chick strips.
Category Blocks to shreds
Portions 100

Nutrition and climate performance

Portion size: 100g


Finished quantity of chick strips

  • 10,0 kg Chicken strips

Ingredients, chick strips

  • 4000 gram Dry Simsubas
  • 800 gram Potato flour (omitted if you pre-fry the chick strips)
  • 80 grams Onion powder
  • 80 grams Garlic powder
  • 50 grams Black pepper
  • 16 gram Turmeric
  • 130 gram Sugar
  • 130 gram Salt
  • 160 gram Dijon mustard
  • 160 grams Japanese soya
  • 70 grams White wine vinegar
  • 4300 gram water
  • 800 gram Rapeseed oil



  • Mixing can be done in a Varimixer/Björn, in a cooking pot or by hand. When mixing in a cooking pot, do not forget to remove the side wing. We recommend a maximum of 20 kg of dry Simsubas per batch when mixing in a cooking pot.
    NOTE! When mixing with inferior stirring (saucepan or pre-mixing) make sure that the water, oil and all "wet ingredients" are mixed together a little before starting the stirring for best results.

Instruction, chick strips

  • Mix the dry spices and dry simsuba base.
  • Then mix in all the other ingredients
  • Start mixing at low speed and when all the liquid has entered the powder increase the speed.
  • Ready after about 20 seconds in the Varmixer/Björn (when the dough has come together into a homogeneous mass) and about 2 minutes in the cooking pot.
  • Cover with ink about 5 kg per sheet and temper to 86 degrees at 120 degrees, 20% moisture in the Combi oven.
  • Leave to cool overnight
  • Cut into desired size and run in the Hällden on the "Janssons" disk
