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Climate-smart enchiladas
Print outThese delicious enchiladas with caramelized onions and peppers are a real feast. A wonderfully tasty hybrid with both animal and vegetable proteins.
Nutrition and climate performance
Portion size: 100g | Protein: 27g protein per 100 g | Veg. proteins: 60% | CO2 reduction: 1000g CO2e/100 g
Finished quantity, minced meat
- 10,0 kg Climate-smart mince
Ingredients, minced meat
- 5000 gram Beef mince
- 2500 gram Dry Simsubas
- 2500 grams water
- 800 gram Rapeseed oil
Ingredients, enchiladas
- 10,0 kg Climate-smart mince
- 3000 gram Yellow onion thinly sliced
- 4000 grams Green peppers fine shreds
- 200 grams Garlic finely chopped
- 40 grams cumin
- 30 grams Smoked paprika powder
- 50 gram Chilli powder ancho chili
- 20 gram Oregano
- 60 gram Salt
- 2000 gram water
- 150 grams White wine vinegar
- 400 gram Tomato paste
- 3000 gram Creme fraiche
- 1000 gram Grated cheese
- Mixing can be done in a Varimixer/Björn, in a cooking pot or by hand. When mixing in a cooking pot, do not forget to remove the side wing. We recommend a maximum of 20 kg of dry Simsubas per batch when mixing in a cooking pot. NOTE! When mixing with inferior stirring (saucepan or pre-mixing) make sure that the water, oil and all "wet ingredients" are mixed together a little before starting the stirring for best results.
Instruction, stuffing:
- Mix all the ingredients
- Start mixing at low speed and when all the liquid has entered the powder increase the speed.
- Ready after about 20 seconds in the Varmixer/Björn (when the dough has come together into a homogeneous mass) and about 1 minute in the cooking pot. Do not run for too long as the texture can become too tough.
- Fry the mince and then place in a pot. You can also make the sauce (below) directly in a frying pan if you wish.
Instruction, enchiladas;:
- Combine all the ingredients for the enchiladas except the grated cheese, onions and peppers with the ground beef mixture. Mix thoroughly and leave to simmer
- In a hot pan, fry the peppers and onions rather quickly and hot so that they get a slightly caramelized surface. Add it to the minced meat mixture and let it simmer for a few more minutes.
- Spread the filling on the tortillas and make rolls. Sprinkle cheese on top and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
- Serve with Tzatziki or why not a tasty feta cheese cream?
Climate impact:
- Grazing by cows promotes biodiversity for both insects and birds and creates open landscapes, but beef is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Try this recipe with chicken or hen mince to further reduce the climate impact.